Saya Suka Berada DiSini in English “I like it here” is a phrase

Saya Suka Berada DiSini in English “I like it here” is a phrase that investors are using more often when referring to Malaysia and in particular KualaLumpur. Regarded as one of the most vibrant cities in SouthEastAsia it offers many advantages as an ideal investment destination. From manufacturing and distribution to technical expertise in the service sector, doing business in Malaysia offers opportunities to everyone across the value chain.

Saya Suka Berada DiSini 的意思是“我喜欢这里”,这指的是 马来西亚,尤其是 吉隆坡,投资者经常使用这句说话。作为 东南亚 最活跃的城市之一,它作为理想的投资目的地具有许多优势。从制造和分销到服务领域的技术专长,在马来西亚开展业务为价值链中的每个人提供了机会。


